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The Photographer

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My name is Tristan Findley. I was born November 1984 in Farnborough, Hampshire, and have been employed at Royal Holloway University of London since 2006 as an I.T. Systems Administrator of the world renowned Information Security GroupDepartment of Mathematics and Department of Computer Science.


My first photographic love is Wildlife. This was my original goal when setting out to start my Photographic company, and this focus that has allowed me to adapt my skills to other areas of photography. My work has taken him from the cold winter tundra of Wyoming USA to the hot film studios of the London Film Industry.

I have experience photographing wildlife in both wild and captive settings, and have done promotional photography work for the UK Wolf Conservation Trust for two years, with my shots being used in their quarterly publication as well in promotional material and posters around the site.

Another area of my photographic excellence is the Film Industry, where I  work with movie production companies in capturing Behind the Scenes shots of the cast and crew. However my position on set quickly evolved from being a simple BtS Photographer. I have worked closely with script supervisors and directors to help manage the scenes and to ensure continuity (a position where a careful eye for detail is a requirement). I have also worked as a runner on multiple productions, acted in two productions, and have even stepped up as a Second and First Assistant Director on two productions. My  legacy can be viewed on IMDB.

I founded TFindley Photography in early 2010 to share my work with the world. I enjoy working with the many diverse people the world of photography brings; companies, organisations, charities, individuals - no matter what the customer or job, I apply myself enthusiastically and fully to the job at hand. My personal and hands-on approach with customers ensured a friendly and professional service each and every time, as well as repeat many repeat customers.


My love of photography dates back to my childhood. My father has always been into photography, and now I share in that love. I started out with 35mm point-and-shoot cameras when I was younger. While at University I bought myself a Fuji Finepix S7000, with a full manual feature set. This allowed me my first taste at proper photography. I quickly took to the new camera, and was soon snapping everything in sight. After 2 years, I had finally developed a reasonable understanding of the manual settings of the camera, as well as an eye for beauty and ‘good photographs’. Once I started work at Royal Holloway, I took the next step and purchased a Canon EOS 400D DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) digital camera, with a Canon 18-55mm (stock) lens, and a Tamron 70-300mm Telephoto / macro lens. This camera was my gateway into a new and exciting life of photography. The difference between the DSLR and my old all-in-one digital camera was staggering. Photos that I were taking were no longer just of the quality that would be good enough to preserve memories of times gone by for myself, but now good enough to show to others, and to let them share in parts of my life. This camera has stuck with me through my recent holidays and excursions around the UK, and has always provided me with the very best photos. It also pushed my photography skills and has forced me to read and study the art of photography, composition, presentation, and modification, which I hope will make me a better photographer in the future.

In early 2009 I parted with my Canon EOS 400D and associated lens, and in mid-2009 purchased a Canon 50D Body, Canon 17-85mm; 70-300mm lenses, and Canon 430EX II Flash. I had decided upon moving to the xxD range back at the beginning of the year, when I got the opportunity to try out the Canon 40D with 17-85mm lens at the Insight Client Event in London. I found the improved shooting time, along with the responsiveness of the autofocus a major benefit, as well as improved controls, with all manual controls readily accessible.

I hope that the new equipment, coupled with various sources of study (including other semi-pro photographers) will push me into creating even greater works, and improving my own skill-set and portfolio.

There is nothing in this world that does not have a decisive moment.

  • Cardinal de Retx
Tristan Findley
Tristan Findley
DevOps Engineer, tech enthusiast and British ExPat