Automation Engineer (DevOps), Change Manager, Major Incident Coordinator
06/03/2024 - Present
My primary role is as a DevOps Focused Automation Engineer, building critical infrastructure for the Vlaams Institute of Biotechnology (Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie) Data Core. My function is similar to that of a Site Reliability Engineer in that I am required to envision, design and prototype new services and ways of working, and implemenent a production version with Resiliance, Redundancy and Availability as key aspects.
Since starting with Data Core in 2024, I have designed and implemented the following policies, procedures and working practices in accordance with NIS2 and ISO27001:
- Change Management
- Major Incident Management
- Solution Development
My responsibilities include#
- Coming Soon
Notable Projects#
- Coming Soon
Technology Shortlist#
- Coming Soon