DevOps Engineer, Pastoral Manager, Scrum Master, Infrastructure Engineer
06/01/2020 - DD/MM/2023
A Member of the Automation Service Reliability (ASR) team, providing automation, infrastructure deployment, management and monitoring services. The primary focus of the team is to deliver to the businesses and its customers; key methodologies, tools and processes to improve the quality, availability and speed of delivery of UKCloud’s management platform and services through the use of automation tools
My responsibilities include:#
- Utilize DevOps tools including Ansible and GIT to automate the deployment of new and existing services and products
- Provide services in a Highly-Available setup using cluster deployments and HAProxy/KeepAliveD
- Collaborate with internal teams to develop their services in-line with existing and emerging business standards
- Support virtualization and containerization services such as VMWare, Containerisation and OpenShift
- Monitoring of services through internal monitoring solutions
- Enact changes to key services under change management procedures (ITIL)
- Provide in-hours and out-of-hours support for key services, providing proactive and responsive diagnosis and fixes when needed.
- Undertake projects to build and develop new services for the UKCloud portfolio
- Work closely with Software Engineering to deliver the customer portal
Notable Projects:#
- Integrate TDD Framework into existing Ansible roles
- Patching as a Service – delivering automated patching solutions for Linux and Windows.
- Platform Migration – migration of supported services from old to new infrastructure
- Portal Deployment – Automation of the portal deployment process using Ansible on Development, Integration and Production environments
- Mail Relay infrastructure – Replacement of the outbound mail relay infrastructure
- Maintain and upgrade internal ticketing and documentation platforms
- Maintain and upgrade ITSM