University of Portsmouth#
BSc (Hons) – Computer Network Management and Design
2003-2006 – Graduated July 2006
Subjects Areas#
- Advanced team management skills, budget management, time management, project management
- Internet Applications (HTML, CSS, MySQL, PHP)
- Electronic Communications and Networks 1 & 2
- Wireless Systems
- Project Management
- C Programming
- Java
- Computer Electronics
- Physical Foundations of IT
- Wireless Systems
- System Configuration & Administration
- Network Configuration & Administration
- Data Communications & Networks
- Software Systems (UML)
- Multimedia Networks
- Distributed Systems
- Network Design & Security
- Management and the Technology Profession
- System Security
Farnborough Sixth Form College#
- Computing (A-Level)
- Business (GNVQ Advanced Double Award)
Calthorpe Park Secondary School#
- Mathematics
- Science (Double)
- Geography
- Music
- English
- English Literature
- German
Certificates for all qualifications can be produced on request, as well as university references